Thursday, March 22, 2018

1) I got 23 points for my final score.

2) I generally agree with the questionaire from the stand point that I procrastinate but i am pretty organized but i should start doing things more on time and not wait the last second. 

3) Two things that i need to modify to make use of my time is to not procrastinate and make a schedule on when things are due and when to start them. I also should stay more focused and get extra help when i need it.

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

What I have decided to do for my passion project, is I will do and outline for a book and talk about my life and what I have gone through and to show children that you can get through the hard times without violence. The problem my project is based on is anxiety and depression because that's one of many main issues in the world right now. So I want to focus on that topic to help kids or adults mainly children though because they can relate more to a child because they are one themselves, and a book will show them they can fight what there going through or their will be sources on places to get help.